How to Use the Buffalo Eraser Sponge

Always test on a hidden area prior to use because both sides of the Buffalo Eraser Sponge can scratch, mar, or dull some surfaces.

Always Wet Before Use

The Buffalo Eraser Sponge cleans most surfaces with just water.
The sponge side of the Buffalo Eraser Sponge is an extremely fine micro-abrasive foam. This quality greatly enhances the cleaning and preparation characteristics of the Buffalo Eraser Sponge
The woolly side of the Buffalo Eraser Sponge is a non-abrasive nylon and can be used a like a standard nylon scrub.
The sponge side MUST BE DAMPENED before use.

Use Common Sense

10 Kids' Things A Buffalo Eraser Sponge Can Clean Better

Clean Things You Never Thought You Could

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